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Yet another fool proofing question!

JennaV33JennaV33 Member

So I have found, as with many others I am sure, that time is the enemy (in general but way more so on the LSAT) When fool proofing are you guys starting out timed then just reducing the time each round, or do you begin untimed? I am never sure exactly how much time to give myself. I am not 100% on games ever but with a solid 15mins I can figure just about anything out (sometimes I still miss a question), but I know I will NEVER have that for just one game. I am not sure with what games I should be giving myself 8-10 mins, and which I should be giving myself 5...i've been thinking for fool proofing to give myself 10 mins on all to begin with, then each round of 'retesting' reducing it by two minutes? does that sound like a good idea? I really need to improve my logic games because right now I am finishing PT tests and getting usually all of the questions I FINISH right, but only actually finishing 2/4 games, which as you can imagine is killing my score.

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