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Stanford Reference Letter

How individualized/tailored should the reference letters be? I already feel bad enough that my references took the time and effort out of their busy schedules to write one general reference letter for me...


  • SiliconJediSiliconJedi Member
    142 karma

    I didn't catch this before, but the Stanford website notes: "Please be aware of the high value Stanford places on school-specific letters of recommendation." Is this true across all of the top schools -- they expect/prefer tailored letters?

  • elisabethlamelisabethlam Member
    58 karma

    @SiliconJedi - no, only Stanford wants a tailored letter. The rest of the T-14 are fine with general LORs.

  • Mitchell-1Mitchell-1 Member
    756 karma

    Hmm, I really hate this. I'm fine jumping through hoops myself, but making me feel like I should ask my recommenders to as well is...not cool.

  • Rigid DesignatorRigid Designator Alum Member
    edited November 2017 1091 karma

    @"Mitchell-1" said:
    Hmm, I really hate this. I'm fine jumping through hoops myself, but making me feel like I should ask my recommenders to as well is...not cool.

    Sorry to OP for not answering their question, but I'm also a little irked by the Stanford request. I'm struggling to imagine how anyone would actually tailor a letter to Stanford. "Oh yes, Rigid Designator copes very well with hot weather! I'm sure he'd do great at Stanford"

    If this isn't the stuff they're expecting then I dislike the seeming assumption that you need to be especially qualified to attend Stanford, versus somewhere like Yale (who would accept a normal LOR), and that this needs reflecting in your LORs.

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