Hey guys, I've been hearing from various sources that pattern games have been popping up on the recent LSATs. However, I'm not sure what exactly a pattern game is. Could anybody refer me to some examples of pattern games? Tried googling already, but didn't find much

LSAT blog's classification page says PT 20 Game 3, and PT 23 Game 4 are pattern games. Just wanted to confirm and maybe find some other examples.
Also side note, I noticed that every PT question explanation vid has tagged keywords. Is there a search function on the site that lets you search for questions based on keywords?? That would be really helpful!
[Mod note: edited original title that read "Recent LG: Pattern Games?"]
Preptest Feb 1997 Game 3
Preptest 20 game 3
Preptest 23 game 4
Preptest 72 Game 4
Preptest 77 Game 3 [Added by Admin]
There may be more, but i think that's either all of them or at least most of them.