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Dec LSAT...Still struggling with LG

zanesbitzanesbit Alum Member
in General 102 karma

Hi Sagers,

I took the Sept LSAT...bombed it. I've been taking the 7Sage prep course since October. RC is my strongest area, then LR. LG is my weakest, like brain shuts down just trying to figure out which set up is needed.

There is also still room for improvement with LR. Not sure if my time will be best spent focusing on LG from scratch or strengthening LR this week. I feel like February is inevitable, but still want to give my best effort.

Any advice?


  • amedley88amedley88 Alum Member
    378 karma

    I'm aiming for February but want to be fully prepared by mid-late Jan, so each day I have been doing fool-proofed sections. I start off by fool proofing the games from the sections I did yesterday and one week ago, then do a fresh section from the later series timed. I score it, put it aside, log the progress and wait to fool proof it tomorrow. I focus the remainder of the time going over any games I am having difficulty with based on my previous performance. I log the performance in each section and have a spreadsheet going on. I have found this to be the most time efficient way of honing in on weaknesses and practicing timed sections, while not burning myself out. In total it takes about 3-4 hours per day at the most. Well worth it.

  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8723 karma

    If you don't mind me asking, in an effort to better help you, how did you do on the PT 82 games? Either test day or in practice.

  • zanesbitzanesbit Alum Member
    102 karma

    @BinghamtonDave I missed half of them on test day.

  • Dannonchik175Dannonchik175 Member
    26 karma

    LG are easy, never thought i would say that back in the day. Pick one set of Prep tests for example 72-82, do 4-6 games a day, book mark hard games, watch JY explanations, attempt doing only hard games again the same day hours later, then move on to another 4-6 games next day and so on.Then at the end of 82 do all the hard games again. By the time you are done with the whole set, you'll learn hopefully that the trick is really to keep the game rules in your mind ( as you're writing them down try to visualize them). And even when I can't figure out the set up, I usually look at the first question to give me a little bit of idea. I went from "what the hell is going on here" to -0 or -1 in 10 days.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited November 2017 23929 karma

    @Dannonchik175 said:
    LG are easy, never thought i would say that back in the day. Pick one set of Prep tests for example 72-82, do 4-6 games a day, book mark hard games, watch JY explanations, attempt doing only hard games again the same day hours later, then move on to another 4-6 games next day and so on.Then at the end of 82 do all the hard games again. By the time you are done with the whole set, you'll learn hopefully that the trick is really to keep the game rules in your mind ( as you're writing them down try to visualize them). And even when I can't figure out the set up, I usually look at the first question to give me a little bit of idea. I went from "what the hell is going on here" to -0 or -1 in 10 days.

    Very interesting idea! What PTs and how many did you do before that worked for you? Kind of curious...

    Another excellent tool is that each LG explanation shows other similar games grouped by difficulty. So whenever I have trouble with a game, I go and do several other similar games of that type. It's been working very well for me!

    ETA: Be careful using too many of the recent tests. I think it might be best to save 72-81 for timed PTs.

  • Dannonchik175Dannonchik175 Member
    26 karma

    @"Alex Divine" I did 62-71, it clicked after i went over the hard games at the end. They are basically all the same. I never went through the theory: 1- it’s boring 2- i’m lazy, but I heart math and physics, 2 of my fave in school. the videos helped 100%.
    Another advice, watch how you talk to yourself when you do LG, LR or RC qs. Do you say to yourself “omg this is so hard, i can’t figure it out” or “ok, how do i figure it out? What’s the easiest way?”. Whatever command you give to your brain, that one will operate.:)

  • zanesbitzanesbit Alum Member
    102 karma

    You guys rock!!! I will drill and repeat this week.

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