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Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well and that you are getting pumped for this LSAT.
My last LSAT did not go to plan....Stupid Hurricane Irma!
But the December test is upon us, and I was wondering if and how people change their study habits specifically for this week? I do study pretty much everyday (except Sundays), but this week seems to be extra special.
What do you focus on? How many PTs do you shoot for? If there is something you still struggle hardcore with do you go at it guns ablazin or just put a pin in it and sharpen the skills you are already strong in?
I am thinking of having two days of reviewing lessons with JY, doing two PTS, and two BRs. But I am just trying to see if people have any tactics that they feel help them so close to the actual day of the test.
Thank you so much in advance!
Other than looking over a couple LR questions that I want to keep fresh in my mind and some LG, I'm not studying. I made the mistake of burning myself out before the Sept test, and I'm trying not to make the same mistake again. I want to feel confident, fresh and ready to go.
The mentality I have right now is something like;
I have scored above a 170 on multiple occasions.
I have seen hard section, after hard section, and found a way through.
Nothing I study these last few days will impact me on the day of the test.
Everything that will count toward my score was done in the past year and a half of studying.
I am confident in my ability to handle the LSAT.
This is just another test.
And then I play some Skyrim, deal with some issues at work, but most of all relax. The test is coming up but that doesn't mean I need to panic!
Totally agree with above. I went super hard last week before September test and the actual test went awful to the point I was in burnt out and couldnt even deal with school afterwards. I just retook the same test and got in my range with 0 issues, so i'm ammounting it to stress.
Last time I probably took 4 tests the week before, this time today is my last. Reviewing it Wednesday and the rest of the week is entirely off. Maybe a game or passage if I feel like it. But don't push yourself! Positive mentality is the only thing that will help you at this point.
I will be doing a PT each day except the day before the test. The day before the test I will casually go through some of the trickier LR questions and then re-read RC passages from the most recent 3-4 tests while looking at the correct answers for some quick and easy positive reinforcement of LSAT thinking.
I used to take a PT every other day and BR on the between days but in the last month I have started taking a PT on 6 days of the week and only reviewing the questions I got wrong along with the questions I had circled but happened to get correct.
I am a believer that you don't always have to feel fresh and excited about the task you are doing in order to do it well. I think you can do great at something you are sick of if you can stay disciplined. My goal is to be living and dreaming LSAT on the test day. I think an active rest day like I mentioned on the day before the test will suffice in coming in at full power. Maybe go down to the gym for some pickup basketball and get a massage as well to make sure my body will be ready for a great night's sleep!
I think it's also important to consider your situation. For example, if you are someone who has been studying for a year and you have had a stable avg. score for the past 3 months this week probably won't do much for you. You've probably seen it all and your performance depends mostly on your condition for that day.
For people like me who have only been at it for 2.5 months, this last week is a significant portion of my overall pre-test study time. There is a lot of material that hasn't been seen or processed. The potential for coming across new things to add in the toolbox is likely to outweigh the possibility you're a little tired on test day.
Background - First test at 154, up to a 168 avg. over last 2 weeks (12 PT's).
Does anyone else think that if you aren't getting well into the 170's that you couldn't make worthwhile progress in an entire week?
I just plan on doing some light studying, and did plan to do a "rehearsal" on Friday morning as if it were Saturday and then enjoy the rest of my day. Best of Luck!
I'm taking 3 PTs this week, and maybe/maybe not working through my incorrect answers. My scores are reasonable and have been consistent so my main concern is just timing. I've only been prepping 8 weeks, and taken 11 PTs so far. I'm also taking 6 classes right now so not a ton of time to devote to score improvement, but it hasnt dropped either, I'm fine with what I'm scoring and I've improved my timing enough to (likely)complete every question. At this point my PTs are just to continue to rehearse time allotment per question and I'll just be glad to have the LSAT over with!
Re @LSATcantwin "I have scored above a 170 on multiple occasions.
I have seen hard section, after hard section, and found a way through.
Nothing I study these last few days will impact me on the day of the test.
Everything that will count toward my score was done in the past year and a half of studying.
I am confident in my ability to handle the LSAT.
This is just another test."
Also, I'm getting a massage the day before.
I'm planning on working on a few games during my lunch breaks, then either light studying or 1 timed section in the evenings. I took Friday off of work to sleep in, relax, probably just do a little light review to stay fresh, and get to bed early. Want to be really relaxed for Saturday AM. I ended up not being able to study much at all since Wednesday night because of Thanksgiving and family stuff. So using this week to get a little bit back in the groove, but not wear myself out.
Good luck everyone! We got this.
Honestly not gonna study much. Just focusing on resting and prepping my brain for test day!
Maybe y'all have been studying for much longer than I have but I am absolutely studying every day this week. Planning on doing two PTs, one on Wed. and one on Thurs., then constructing a study plan for a final couple of hours on Fri.
I'm not super worried about burning myself out because this type of thing doesn't really stress me. I'm usually pretty good on staying focused on test day. This will be my first time taking the LSAT though, so we'll see how it goes.
It’s 100% different for everyone! I was the same way going into the Sept test. I learned, that for me personally, I need to be relaxed and fresh so I am not studying! Do what YOU are comfortable doing and you will crush it
I burnt myself to a crisp before the September exam, so I am relaxing this week. I took a PT yesterday and did well. I want my last memory of a PT to be a good one before Saturday lol. Ill mainly review some LR questions that I’ve answered incorrectly from the last couple weeks and try to hone in. Maybe do one or two sets of LG. Probably read a regular book to familiarize myself with society again which will hopefully simplify RC passages (AKA be able to internalize words like a normal human being and not a robot who thinks a passage about penguins or dandelions is out to get me). You can definitely catch me partaking in tonssssss of yoga classes this week lol. Good luck!
anyone in Texas and taking the test at UTA?
I'm doing a LR section and a games sections tonight, an RC and games section tomorrow, and then taking Thursday and Friday completely off. Maybe some application work.
When LG goes well for me, (-1 or -0), I will score ~170, but I still have LG sections that when I see them for the first time, under timed conditions, I will get stuck, and go -5 or worse, so this week is all about LG for me. I'm doing 7-10 sections a day this week, covering the LG sections of ~ PTs 51-81.
I know there is a bunch of advice to not cram and that you're largely set by the week before the test due to the nature of the LSAT, but I really think that I'm super close and just need to tighten up a few screws so to speak, and I'll get that -0 (on LG) on test day. I'll comment my results so y'all can add one more piece of anecdotal evidence either for or against your position on cramming.
My last PT was last weekend. I haven't done well on my last two PTs (trying too many test-taking strategies, I think), so scores have been down a few points. This messes with my head, so I've decided no more this last week.
Instead, I drilled individual LR sections a few times, but I'm done with those now, too. I've come to enjoy LGs, so I'm only doing those these last few days. Some timed, some not. I plan do one or two Saturday morning before the test, to warm up my brain.
My test center is about an hour from me, so to ensure I get a good night's sleep and don't feel rushed the next morning, I got a hotel near the test center the night before. I can drive up after work tomorrow and have dinner, relax, and get a good sleep. The morning of the test, I plan to get up early enough to do my warm up puzzle, have a good breakfast, and take a brisk walk.
Right now I'm focused on the mental prep. Sleep, relaxation, de-stressing, reminding myself that I've got this.
Flipping through all of the hard LR questions that I took a picture of with my explanation.