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Not Ready for December Exam: Reschedule Test or Take it Anyways?

Hello! I'm in desperate need of some advice. I am scheduled to take the LSAT for the FIRST time next Monday, Dec 4th. I have been studying since July, but not studying correctly. This is how my studying has been since July:

JULY: Start reading Powerscore LR book
AUGUST: Reading Powerscore LR book
SEPTEMBER: Reading Powerscore LR book
OCTOBER: Finish Powerscore LR book, Start reading Powerscore RC book, Got Powerscore LG flashcards and reviewed almost every day, start taking LSAT prep test sections (untimed) at the end of Oct
NOVEMBER: Finish Powerscore RC book, Started reading Powerscore LG book (halfway through now), Reviewed LG flashcards every few days, Have taken maybe 10-15 practice sections so far, Took two timed full tests one week apart (scored 137 on first one and 139 on second one - did blind review for second one and the potential score was 149)

*** NOTE: I looked into tutors and courses in August and they were all incredibly expensive, but I found out about 7sage less than a week ago and I signed up for the Beginner's course thinking it might miraculously help -_-

I feel like I went about studying all wrong and did not take it as seriously as I should have. There's no way I would apply to law school with the scores I've been getting on the practice tests, so I'm wondering if I should just cancel the test on Monday and create a new study plan to take it at a later time. Or if I should just go to at least "see the beast" so that way I at least know what to expect when I take it again.



  • EvetteCeeEvetteCee Alum Member
    224 karma

    I would suggesting rescheduling. If you don't feel confident in submitting your applications with the scores that you've been getting, then theres no point in taking the exam on Saturday. You should take it once you feel confident in the scores that you've been getting

    You're off to a good start, but if you're looking to increase your scores, then that will definitely take more time.

    Good luck!

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Yep, ditto. The key sentence was that there was no way you would apply with the scores you've been getting. It doesn't make much sense then to have a score on your record that you know isn't the best you can do and isn't enough to get you where you want to go. You should withdraw from this one before test day and keep studying.

    I wouldn't beat yourself up about how you've been studying either. The Powerscore bibles are very common and well-regarded. But obviously it hasn't been enough to really communicate the material to you. I did sort of the same, started with those books but then found 7sage and this has been a lot more helpful for me. I think you're on the right path, and 7sage is great because of this community on the boards and being able to work through material together. It's very interactive in that way.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    IF you're not ready, don't take the test. You'll have a score on your record that isn't reflective of your true potential and it will likely just be a bad experience and a waste of a fresh test and your time.

    Spend your time going through the 7Sage course and using any other books you find helpful. Utilize the forum for advice and consider using a 7Sage tutor to help customize a plan for you going forward.

    Slow down on taking tests until you have a more solid grasp of the fundamentals. In my experience, if you're aiming for above a 165, or thereabouts, taking PTs is generally not a great use of your time until you can go -4/-5 on each section. PTs are great as diagnostic tools to let us know where we are still weak. There aren't, however, great for actually getting us better at taking the LSAT. Right now focus on learning and targeted question type and game drilling. Then I suggest doing a crap ton of timed sections w/ blind review, and slowly begin incorporating full length PTs.

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    I agree definitely cancel. 7Sage is a wonderful resource, I think you can score much higher if you give it a chance.

  • Pink DustPink Dust Alum Member
    403 karma

    I know it sucks, but don't write it on Saturday. Your scores will improve and you WILL learn but there is no point writing on Saturday. I wish i told myself this in June - but there is just this pressure to go and quickly write this exam so its done with.
    You also are studying like i did when i first started off. I didn't learn anything from those books tbh. I wasted months doing that too.
    I recommend the LSAT trainer and the CC on 7sage. Also get a hold of the Cambridge drill packets for LG (foolproof all those games). Then start PTing.
    Good luck :)

  • 6 karma

    Thanks so much everyone! I actually ended up withdrawing from the test shortly after I wrote this question out, even before seeing your responses. I guess i knew what I wanted to do all along. Thanks again!

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