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Waited to be “Ready” for 1st take in Sept & didn’t feel “Ready” post test?

twssmithtwssmith Alum
in June 2017 LSAT 5120 karma

The best advice is to wait until you are "ready" to take the test! The greatest gift is to take the test and achieve your score!
For some of us, that didn’t happen on our first take.

What happens if after taking the test and the experience leaves you stressed thinking you weren’t ready?

Before you get your score, please consider doing a thorough post-take written analysis of your experience. As recommended to me by the Sages in my attempts to match my PT scores to Actual test scores, I have seen significant improvement by following their advice:)

There are 2 aspects post-take that are paramount to gain from the experience…

-How did I procedurally take the test?
o Was my pre-test routine sufficient to provide the best testing experience?
o Was my timing strategy on point - Did I skip difficult LR questions, RC passages & LG games efficiently?
o Did I let a rough patch undermine my confidence in my ability?

What were my weaknesses that caused me to lose confidence?
o What LR questions, RC passages, LG games cost me time or points?
o Did I try a new strategy too close to test date that I hadn’t made instinctual - to think more about the strategy than what the test presented?
o How did I handle questions that are my known weakness and what can I do to drill them to remove that insecurity?

I learned so much from my previous takes! The first take is a blur - I had no clue what I was doing even with all of my prep to take it when I was ready. My 2nd & 3rd takes were exciting because I saw the differences in my understanding not just on certain specific aspects of the test but on a global understanding of how to conquer the test.

Hope you feel the same way I do with no regrets about being "Ready"... If you achieve your score, then LS application focus! If you under-preformed, then you have a game plan.

If a retake is on your horizon, hope this helps :)
All the best on your scores!!

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