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jordanrex30jordanrex30 Alum Member
edited September 2014 in General 64 karma
When you're reviewing a test do you see questions where you picked one answer instead of the other and had it down to the last two answers? I hate that! I swear I always pick the wrong one and it usually happens 2-3 times per section if not more. Any advice? Am I not paying enough attention to little specific details?


  • RalphWiggumRalphWiggum Alum Member
    18 karma
    On LR and RC especially this happens on probably 90% of the ones I miss. Hate it. If anyone has any wisdom on this that would be awesome.
  • godawgs24godawgs24 Alum Member
    53 karma
    Remember that for every question there are four definite wrong answers. When I have trouble with questions where I am able to narrow it down to two answer choices, I go back to the stimulus and try to look for any modifiers or little changes in details that I may have missed. Also, when you get it down to two, remember to never compare the two answer choices against each other. Always compare the answer choices with the stimulus. That makes it easier to stop any little details you may have overlooked during your initial read.
  • RalphWiggumRalphWiggum Alum Member
    18 karma
    This is good advice. Thanks.
  • adrian.mikoadrian.miko Alum Member
    191 karma
    Words of Wisdom ^^^^
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