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Is February Too Late? Free Trial Member

I just recently sat for the December test and want to take it again in February for good measure. The December test will be my first official LSAT. A lot of school's I am interested in have deadlines of March 1st, but I've heard that schools will hold an application if they see you're signed up for another test. I was just wondering if it works the same if you are signed up for a February test.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"" said:
    I just recently sat for the December test and want to take it again in February for good measure. The December test will be my first official LSAT. A lot of school's I am interested in have deadlines of March 1st, but I've heard that schools will hold an application if they see you're signed up for another test. I was just wondering if it works the same if you are signed up for a February test.

    You should check with the individual schools. Most will consider Feb scores if you have other scores on record, but it's still better to check and ask them to hold your app if that's what you'd like them to do.

  • Free Trial Member
    42 karma

    @"Alex Divine" thanks! I got kind of nervous when I started connecting the dots (as I should have a long time ago). I just don't want to sign up for a test that won't be beneficial for me if I am trying to apply this cycle.

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