Time Crunch...Strategy/Game Plan Advice (February Test)

Achen165Achen165 Member
in General 656 karma

Hi 7Sagers,

I have been studying part time for almost 6 months now, have completed CC, FPM of all games from PT 1-40 and only recently began to PT. I began with PT 34, and am presently reviewing 41. I will be honest when I say studying for such an extended time for the LSAT my stamina in consistently studying plummeted tremendously with other life distractions. I do not know how to regain keeping up a good PT routine, though it is especially necessary in the next few weeks. I do not feel that I can complete up to PT 82~ by February, perhaps it is not wise to attempt that, but I am wondering what is a reasonable amount of PT's to aim to do and BR in full, by the February test. I wrote last February, 2017, with little preparation (Powerscore) and scored very low. I am BR'ing in the 160s, am awful with timing, and scoring in the high 150's otherwise. I delayed my admissions for a year in hopes of preparing, but I feel that all this time has passed and my progress is nominal and am a bit dejected, but would really just like to put my best efforts forth come February.

I immensely appreciate any advice, insight, words of encouragement you have to offer.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read, and respond if you so choose to. You are appreciated.


  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma


    So your PT schedule should look a something like this: Take a PT, then blind review properly, score the PT, identify problem areas, figure out solutions such as re-watch a particular part of core-curriculum and then do drills to address those issues. Then and only then should you move on and take another PT.

    I definitely don't recommend taking all the PT's to 82. Just as many as you need to in order to reach your goals. Improvement in scores does not happen by just taking PT's but by doing drills that target and eliminate our weaknesses. PT's are just a way to identify our weaknesses.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @achen013 said:
    Hi 7Sagers,

    I have been studying part time for almost 6 months now, have completed CC, FPM of all games from PT 1-40 and only recently began to PT. I began with PT 34, and am presently reviewing 41. I will be honest when I say studying for such an extended time for the LSAT my stamina in consistently studying plummeted tremendously with other life distractions. I do not know how to regain keeping up a good PT routine, though it is especially necessary in the next few weeks. I do not feel that I can complete up to PT 82~ by February, perhaps it is not wise to attempt that, but I am wondering what is a reasonable amount of PT's to aim to do and BR in full, by the February test. I wrote last February, 2017, with little preparation (Powerscore) and scored very low. I am BR'ing in the 160s, am awful with timing, and scoring in the high 150's otherwise. I delayed my admissions for a year in hopes of preparing, but I feel that all this time has passed and my progress is nominal and am a bit dejected, but would really just like to put my best efforts forth come February.

    I immensely appreciate any advice, insight, words of encouragement you have to offer.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read, and respond if you so choose to. You are appreciated.

    Words of encouragement: 2 months is a good amount of time to make some significant progress. Don't let your past prep that may not have been what you wanted hinder your progress now. I completely relate. Because of work, life, and other obligations my studying has waxed and waned and with that my motivation and stamina have ebbed and flowed. I also feel somewhat dejected... But all that matter is the future and what we can change... You're almost at the finish line. Let that motivate you!

    Advice: Study with intensity and make sure every time you sit down for a study session you have a specific thing or two in mind you want to improve on. Time is not of the essence with Feb around the corner, so you want to make every study session count. The best way to do that is to start each session with a plan. Because time is a bit on the short end, don't worry about taking tons of PTs. Focus on new PTs from 62-82 for full PTs when you do take them, though.

    Good luck and feel free to reach out to talk or if you need more pointers... Getting into the 160s from the high 150s is VERY doable in 2 months. I promise you, you can make that jump if you study smart and hard.

  • Achen165Achen165 Member
    edited December 2017 656 karma

    @Sami thank you

  • Achen165Achen165 Member
    edited December 2017 656 karma

    @"Alex Divine" Thank you! I am definitely reserving June as a backup though February is my goal. Happy holidays.

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