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For Georgetown Law's optional responses I'm torn between doing the generic "Where do you see yourself in 10 years after graduation from Georgetown" or a "Top Ten list." For my top ten I thought about listing my top 10 favorite pokemon and talking about some of my competitive battling experience (totally dorky, I know) or like a top 10 favorite book list, top 10 favorite Harry Potter characters, top 10 favorite TV shows, etc. Are those way too informal and goofy? lol any thoughts are appreciated! 166/3.85 so pretty borderline right now...
For my GT application, I chose the top ten list option.
Your Pokemon idea is definitely creative and going to be unique, however, I'm curious to know how listing the Pokemon will tell the law school about you--which I believe is the prompt's goal. Was competitive battling a formative experience for you?
These ideas are definitely a little informal and goofy, but I don't think that's an issue unless the list doesn't tell the reader very much about you. And I'm concerned that might happen with your list of favorite Harry Potter characters or TV shows---UNLESS--you explain how each character or TV show represents a certain side of you.
Which might be kinda cool.
If you wanna read my top ten list response to this question, I'd be happy to share.
DM me! I'd love to swap. I was kinda bland, but straightforward, in writing a "Top Ten Things You Need to Know About Nick" List.
I did a top ten list too (I was accepted ED, so I like to think it helped!), and I listed the best meals I've ever had with a little blurb about where I was/what I was doing during them. It's not that I think your ideas are too goofy, but if memory serves, the word limit is 250, and I think it might be tough to really show anything about yourself through characters/books in that space. Just a thought!
I'm sort of having the same problem... Was going to do "Top 10 Reasons I'm Still Waiting On My Letter From Hogwarts" (equally as nerdy) but I'm not sure if it's doing a good job of showing anything about me.
@StellaBlue Thanks! That is a good point - I think I might do a "Top 10 ways I spend my free time" and then highlight my dork side in that.
@ajcarlton5 the more I think about it the more I'm leaning away from it haha. I feel like the reward doesn't match the risk. Like I said above I think I might make a more general top 10 statement and then slip some of my nerd tendencies in there (Pokemon, Harry Potter, etc.)
Hmm, I'd say although it is creative, it may not be the best choice choice since what if everyone on the committee doesn't know about Pokemon? they'd be like "cool, I guess", not really knowing what each Pokemon is.
I think there's a lot of fun options for the top 10 list, though, that could be better for showing them who you are beyond the numbers while still being somewhat goofy or funny.
I didn't do the 10 years essay, but if you think you can write a good one then go for it!
This is an awesome idea. Particularly for travel-types.
@andrewpete93, I was just about to screenshot this and send this to a friend of mine, but then I realized there was no need.
@JayClarke242 got to brainstorm man! hahaha
Is your PS strong? Might be best to forego the optional essay and submit earlier rather than later.
@andrewpete93 I really like the free time idea! Good luck out there
I think part of them giving that prompt is to specifically bring out your personality. I agree with Nick though, there might be better ways to do that. I like your idea of a little bit broader topic but to tie in Pokémon or nerd culture stuff into that. I might do like a top 10 podcasts or something, and then for me, some of them would be fun (I like comedy and pop culture) and then some more educational/serious ones. I like the idea of top 10 ways to spend free time! That gives a lot of flexibility and would highlight your personality.
Good luck!