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Skype Interview with WUSTL

Just got an email from WUSTL requesting a Skype interview. Any advice? My interview is this Friday the 12th.


  • sophie74sophie74 Free Trial Member
    373 karma

    It is super casual and relaxed! I would be prepared to answer questions about why you want to go to law school, what you are looking for in a law school, what challenges you anticipate and possibly future career plans (if you know or have an idea!). Mine was a conversation and informal. Be yourself and be confident about wanting to go to law school and you will kill it. I heard back a week later.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    Did you get the request TODAY?

    Damn... I got mine like a week ago and could only schedule it for like weeks from now.. :/

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    Anyway, just be prepared for some basic questions like why law, why wustl, etc. it's laid-back, as the person above said.

  • nicholasthomas127nicholasthomas127 Alum Member
    458 karma

    @sophie74 said:
    It is super casual and relaxed! I would be prepared to answer questions about why you want to go to law school, what you are looking for in a law school, what challenges you anticipate and possibly future career plans (if you know or have an idea!). Mine was a conversation and informal. Be yourself and be confident about wanting to go to law school and you will kill it. I heard back a week later.

    Thank you!! This definitely helps!

  • nicholasthomas127nicholasthomas127 Alum Member
    458 karma

    @TheMikey said:
    Did you get the request TODAY?

    Damn... I got mine like a week ago and could only schedule it for like weeks from now.. :/

    Yea I got it today. I applied ED so that could be why the timeline is different for us.

  • LSAT_SlayerLSAT_Slayer Alum Member
    5 karma

    Wow - I didn't know law schools conducted Skype interviews. if it were me, I'd practice in front of a mirror, unless you are comfortable being interviewed. I'd also request any question ahead of time, and review the application you submitted. Good Luck!

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @nicholasthomas127 said:

    @TheMikey said:
    Did you get the request TODAY?

    Damn... I got mine like a week ago and could only schedule it for like weeks from now.. :/

    Yea I got it today. I applied ED so that could be why the timeline is different for us.

    Ahhh ok that makes sense! Well good luck! :)

  • Sarah889Sarah889 Alum Member
    877 karma

    The Skype interview is very relaxed and casual. It's basically exactly what you would expect a law school interview would be. They will ask you why you want to go to Wash U. They will ask you about specific things on your resume/application. Just be genuine and, if you haven't already, do some research about Wash U and St. Louis. Good luck!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Practice ahead of time in front of a camera. Record yourself and adjust your body language and tone accordingly. You want to be seen as confident and competent!

    Wishing you the best :)

  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    They also ask a couple yield protect questions.

    They asked me if I had been to St Louis before and if I hade ever lived outside my home town.

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