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On Wednesday, January 17, at 9 p.m. ET, I’ll host an admissions webinar about what you can do after you send in your law school application. At the end of my presentation, I’ll answer your questions.
We’ll give one webinar attendee a free critique of a personal statement, résumé, LOCI, or any other document.
You’ll have to register for this webinar in advance.
→ Please register for the webinar (Jan 17, 2017 @ 9:00 p.m. ET) here:
After registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Hope to see you there!
Link doesn't work
@LSATcantwin Thanks for the quick catch! Fixed.
I just registered. The link works now.
I just tryed to register. The link does not work for me.
It appears to work fine, now.
@"meko tlrr" Sorry that link didn't work! Try this one:
Can’t make it, had my moms birthday dinner tonight! Sorry guys, please record if possible!!
Time traveling
Your secret superpower is common sense
What is David's secret superpower?
Revealing all of ours.
Speed reading
Your secret superpower is invisibility! ... but only when no one is looking at you...
I'm going with impermeability to lengthy and bloated LOCI/statements - what better superpower could you have?
Oh man, this is such pandering. I can't believe you asked us to do this. I'm not sure if I should stand up for the pride of the students or succumb and hope for help. If you had a power, it must have been to disable people's microphones.
The power to make this look easy
Being logically compassionate
Underwater Laser Vision
Flying!! But only within the confines of an airplane
The ability to draw a perfect circle
Jet Propulsion
The power of replication! 100 Davids showing us mere mortals how it's really done.
To talk and eat at the same time
the power to teleport yourself to the exact same location.
Hello and thank you for the webinar! Your favourite secret super power could be the ability to instantly make a confused person not confused -- like a Midas touch but with a telepathic kind of effect. (I mean 7sage does that, but in person it could be an instant event).
You can wake up at a certain time almost to the minute without any alarm.
Helping people defy expectations is David's secret super power.
David's secret superpower appears to be: Good Hair Gel
You could use The Force.
May the force be with you!
being able to get people into law school with critiquing their law school content while also manipulating probability (they coincidentily go hand in hand with this superpower)
The power to shrink into a mini David and sneak your way into the admissions officer's office to find out your students' fates
(this is a mini, slightly evil David muahaha)
David's super power is to allow adults to go back in time partially so they can be fans of and grow up with Harry Potter
Hi David! Thank you for the super helpful webinar! Interesting question, I think you are a secret animagus
Pyrokinesis is David’s super power. He’s lit.
Hi David. Thanks for taking the time to host an insightful webinar! Here's my blurb about your superpower, time travel:
Attention 7sagers! You may not be aware of this fact: David Busis possesses the ability to time travel. He is one of those rare individuals with a keen sense for all of the happenings that transpire within various realms or modes of time--from the open-ended future to the ever-evolving present, delving deeper still into the dark (or light) pasts of those that approach him for 7sage advice. David is aware of the mysteries and nuances surrounding the elusive Mother Time herself, from her fleeting escapes and transient sightings to her pauses and never-ending epics. As David offers a guiding hand to the 7sage community by providing insight into our personal statements, LOCIs and resumes, he is able to travel into our pasts, reminiscing with us so that he too can walk along our timelines utilizing his now not-so secret superpower, his mental time machine. Sometimes he prefers to direct his clients’ essays toward a future bent--getting lost in thoughts and ideas of their futures and scheduling vacations into their distant lands in order to provide a panoramic snapshot of future events that you cannot put a price on. This allows his clientele to craft essays that were once only imaginable plot lines, simple stories of wishful thinking prior to David’s new discoveries.
David’s unparalleled understanding of time and space affords him a wider perspective on the ho-hum of daily events. He is a great planner who encourages others to adopt better time management skills as well. After all, who knows the intricacies of time better than David? While he unfortunately cannot bring us along whenever he time travels, he can provide us with worldly glimpses into our pasts and and futures that were otherwise unattainable.
Superpower-level skills in alliteration, analogy, and anaphora
@yhju723 CONGRATULATIONS, YOU WIN! I don't want to brag, but I sort of almost a little bit CAN sometimes sort of a little bit wake up at just the right time.
Honorable mentions go to…
@"Hana Yoo", as I can also talk and eat at the same time, and in fact sometimes eat my words.
@kpane, for though I cannot draw a perfect circle, I have on rare occasion been known to circle the perfect answer.
@yifei_wang, for not only was I able to disable microphones, but I wasn't able to UN-disable microphones (c.f. omnipotence paradox
@yhju723 , please email to claim your prize. Thanks for coming everyone!
I think @jeoeul555 is already implementing we learned in the webinar (doing some research about David and making a reference to the NYT op-ed)
I wasn't able to attend. Did you record it?
@Max_henry91 The recording is up!
Hi @"David.Busis" - how do we access the recording? The link didn't work for me
You need the Admissions course to see the recording:
Unless you have done the same search, you won't know I made a reference