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I read that podcasts can help with RC, any podcast recommendations?

_oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
edited January 2018 in Reading Comprehension 3652 karma

It's supposed to help with understanding topics you're unfamiliar with and just a supplement to actual studying.
I have a tedious desk job and used to play netflix in the background but now I'm trying to do something to stimulate my brain a bit. I've been listening to Radio Lab.
Or audiobook recs!


  • calcal101calcal101 Alum Member
    582 karma

    Not super sure how this would help much...but I HIGHLY recommend Intelligence Squared US Debates in general. Maybe listening to their arguments could help with LR (and possibly RC). It does expose you to a wide range of legal/ethical/social dilemmas--everything from physician-assisted death to online learning, and the debaters are, for the most part, truly excellent. My favorite episodes (for a range of reasons): College Students Should be Allowed to Take Smart Drugs, Courts Not Campuses Should Decide Sexual Assault Cases, The UBI is the Safety Net of the Future

  • hawaiihihawaiihi Free Trial Member
    973 karma

    I think what really makes me nervous on RC is when it's on a subject I don't deal much with in my daily life. If there's a topic like that for you--Art, Science, Law--maybe find a podcast related to that? I've been trying to read a lot more science-related longform articles, and it's really helping me to be more comfortable with the type of words and terminology, even if it's just a psychological confidence boost related thing.

    Don't know much about science podcasts, but I really like Hardcore History (for history, obviously) and RadioLab's More Perfect (about the Supreme Court, so law).

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"surfy surf" said:
    It's supposed to help with understanding topics you're unfamiliar with and just a supplement to actual studying.
    I have a tedious desk job and used to play netflix in the background but now I'm trying to do something to stimulate my brain a bit. I've been listening to Radio Lab.
    Or audiobook recs!

    Also looking for some podcast recommendations/audio book suggestions. I have an audible account, so I can pretty much get anything that's fairly popular.

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma

    @"Alex Divine" as my background is in philosophy and I already actively read about history/politics regularly, I've been looking for science podcasts . Listening to a radiolab podcast on multiverse theory led me to this:

  • kimpg_66kimpg_66 Alum Member
    1617 karma

    So this might not help with RC, but Criminal is a really, really good podcast. It's about some weird applications of the law/weird situations. May not help, but if anyone's looking for a new 20 minute pod, Criminal is your thing!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"surfy surf" said:
    @"Alex Divine" as my background is in philosophy and I already actively read about history/politics regularly, I've been looking for science podcasts . Listening to a radiolab podcast on multiverse theory led me to this:

    Nice! Thank you

  • btate87btate87 Alum Member
    788 karma

    I have a decent commute every day and go through a lot of podcasts, so I wouldn't complain if they help with RC!

    Intelligence Squared, Radiolab, and More Perfect have already been mentioned and are all fantastic. I also listen most to The Weeds, The Ezra Klein Show, Invisibilia, Revisionist History, Nerdist, and WTF.

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