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Submitting Updated Transcripts

After a long process, a school I attended in 1996 is removing 2 grades of "E" and making them a regular withdrawal. I am ready to send in all applications today but thinking that might be a bad decision since LSAC takes about 3 weeks to process transcripts. My question is (which LSAC hasn't answered) will the schools I have already applied to receive an updated transcript? Should I warn them via email that a new gpa is coming? It's a big difference (3.2 vs 3.48) so I am afraid of receiving a denial based on current gpa before the new one arrives but also considering it is so late in the cycle. Any advice out there?


  • calcal101calcal101 Alum Member
    582 karma

    The schools to which you have already applied will receive the new transcript automatically once it is processed by LSAC. If your GPA is changing, let all schools know; for the ones you’re applying to right now, submit a short addendum explaining that a new transcript is on the way, and that this update will increase your GPA. For the ones to which you’ve already applied, send an email briefly explaining the situation, alerting them to watch for a new transcript (and higher GPA!) from LSAC. Unless you are positive of what your new GPA will be, do NOT guess and put an estimate on any resume, email or slot in your app...apply with the old GPA (as it is currently reflected in your account) and simply note that this will be changing soon. You don’t want schools to think you’re fudging the numbers!

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