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February LSAT

Hi everyone,

To all those preparing to take the LSAT in a couple days, GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!! I'm hoping this test doesn't cause too many anxiety attacks and brings relief. I'm taking it and although I'm super nervous - I'm planning to go in calm and to just do the best I can. Reading a lot of the discussions on here have calmed my nerves. So thank you all for that.

I had some questions if anyone can help clarify that would be great:
1. So I heard this Feb. test is undisclosed so that means I won't be able to get details on how I did?
2. If I cancel a LSAT score, can schools still see the score? If so, what's the point of canceling?
3. Does anyone know if LSAC fee waivers are renewed on an annual basis where you can re-apply?
4. Is there a certain limit as to how many times you can take the LSAT and any time you need to wait before taking it again?

Thank you so much 7Sage community!!!


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma


    1. So I heard this Feb. test is undisclosed so that means I won't be able to get details on how I did?

    You can only see your LSAT score, score band, percentile rank, and writing sample.

    1. If I cancel a LSAT score, can schools still see the score? If so, what's the point of canceling?

    No. It will say "cancel." You will not know your score.

    1. Does anyone know if LSAC fee waivers are renewed on an annual basis where you can re-apply?

    I don't know. I think you should call LSAC.

    1. Is there a certain limit as to how many times you can take the LSAT and any time you need to wait before taking it again?

    Unlimited now.

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