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Fresh vs old PTs

nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
in General 1723 karma

So i plan on taking the june administration and i have 12 fresh PTs sprinkled from 50-83 i plan on spreading them out over the next 4 months so that i can use them as a proper benchmark. My question is should i supplement older PTs [from 35-50] which are untouched or should i reuse the tests i have taken from the 60s. Thanks in advance


  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    I would recommend using the older tests before reusing newer tests. I went through all of them except 2 and with a few exceptions of one or two new question types felt like older PTs were just as good practice as newer ones.

  • michael_theodoremichael_theodore Alum Member
    253 karma

    PTs 35-50 could be used for drilling purposes, if needed.

  • pioneer321pioneer321 Free Trial Member
    328 karma

    I would first use all your older 35-50 PTs first, then do all the fresh ones in the chronological order, saving the newest ones toward the end. The LSAT is great in that the underlying logic has remained the same from the 1990s, so older PTs are still fantastic learning tools.

    There have been some major (comparative passages, rule substitution LG questions) and minor (question stem wording changes, disappearance of LR question pairs that utilize a single stim...). This is why, I think it's valuable to do fresher PTs closer to the real thing — to be more in tune with the contemporary patterns. But other than that, old PTs are fantastic, and especially for LG, as some of the most useful and difficult LGs of all time are scattered in the 35-50 range.

    Good luck with the rest of your prep!

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