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A slight logistical modification for LG fool proofing

LSAT_WreckerLSAT_Wrecker Member
in General 4850 karma

So I don't kill trees / pay for copier toner CEO's grandchildren's education.

As I force myself to take a week off studying (took Feb LSAT and went into it knowing I would retest), I am spending this week doing some administrative things to prep for the next study build. I plan to work on fool proofing LG hard and have ~110 LG games I've already seen that I will use to grind through, I am planning on modifying the logistics of the method for my own uses. As printer toner for my copier costs a mint, I am only printing out a single copy of each LG. I have placed each LG in a document protector and filled a 2 inch notebook with the games. Instead of killing trees / toner burning x10 copies each, I'm just using colored dividers to create subsections in the notebook according to where each LG game is in my process. Today's game, tomorrow's game, take in x days, un-mastered/mastered. It will be slightly different in that I won't mark up the actual game to do my practice, but by this point, I know how to use the page during an actual PT or test. So I only move the one page LG (in its own cozy document protector) to the appropriate place in the folder and practice the game as scheduled. I'm actually still performing the LG fool proofing steps without paying for Lord Business' next Caribbean vacation.

YMMV, just sharing a technique.


  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10806 karma

    I love it! Thanks for saving trees and money!

    I think this is really great if your printer ink costs a lot of money. I bought my printer because it does let me print crazy amount of pages for extremely cheap price. But I do feel ashamed about how many trees it cuts. So thank you for thinking about trees and being environmentally friendly as well. <3

  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    I heard someone mention this or a similar idea earlier(maybe you) and I like the innovation. They were going to use dry-erase markers on the screen protecters to take it.

    Overall, though the idea tears me in two, pitting my inner thrifty environmentalist against my only write in pencil on the original LSAT while preparing obsession.

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    I do the same! I was planning on printing 4 of each game but that would have cost me a ton in ink and I felt unethical printing all that paper at work. I find that plastic protectors and fine tip dry erase markers work just fine:)

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