"Report race/ethnicity to law schools" on LSAC sign-up (non-URM)

Apologies in advance for this horrible question. But while signing up for an LSAC account, if you're a non-URM, should you still check whatever caucasian/white boxes you fit and "yes - report my information" to law schools? Or check the caucasian/white boxes and "no - DO NOT report my information" to law schools? Or is it best to just check the decline to respond box altogether? Ack.


  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    I provided my ethnicity. The way individual schools treat ethnicity isn't clear. If you choose to decline to answer, I speculate that there are no advantages.

    Outside of law school, some hiring managers have told me it's a slight disadvantage choosing to decline to answer.

    Don't worry about it. Plenty of Caucasian folks—who report their ethnicity—get into top law schools.

  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    The only reason I would decline to answer (and I'm always close to doing so) is on principle. For example, if you don't feel like any of the categories accurately describe you it might be a reason to refuse to answer.

    However, as far as your app they will probably just treat you as white or maybe an overrepresented minority if you decline to answer.

  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    edited March 2018 3072 karma

    Don't decline on principle. I don't know how most adcomms treat that but I would take it as a lack of confidence at best.

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