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7 sage questions

JK_fish92JK_fish92 Alum Member
in General 175 karma

So without being too long winded on here.. I decided to take the Feb LSAT in December. My diagnostic before ever seeing any lsat material was a whopping 133. Through self study I got myself in the 150-154 range on my PT’s. Then went and took an in person 4 week Kaplan course, which I think might’ve been the biggest mistake of my study because it contributed to me always over thinking what I had done to improve on my own and I felt like I didn’t have a strategy that worked for me anymore. I scored a 150 on both the class diagnstic and the final.. and ended up scoring a 148 on last months test.
My biggest question is if I have enough time between now and the June test to use 7 sage to more or less do an “overhaul” on what now feel like are shakey fundamentals, and if it’s possible for me to reach my goal score of 160, or have I just completely plateaued at a very low level? I run a business and can pretty much make my own schedule, so time isn’t an overwhelming issue... is 3 months enough time to get through the core curriculum and get in enough PT’s to improve 10+ points? Or is that too far of a reach? Thanks in advance for the responses!


  • ksh9880ksh9880 Member
    33 karma

    Man, I am in the exact same boat, almost. I’ve tested 3 times over the past 18 mos, ranging from 148-150. My PTs are consistently 154-156. I run a produce distributor and self-studied with Kaplan. I’m thinking I should have diversified my study habits much earlier. Heard good things about 7sage and Blueprint. Pricey though.

    Best of Luck!

  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    I would say that if you can get 10 points by June (which might be possible) you can get more by September. Every point counts so you want to maximize your score.

    At the very least you are going to want to go through the Core Curriculum(approx1 month minimum), foolproof logic games (1.5 month minimum), drill problem spots in each of the other sections(say a month each minimum), and finally get some solid PTing in. I'd plan for September rather than June.

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