Chance Me? Sorta? HYS = Goals

HarvardHopefulHarvardHopeful Free Trial Member
edited March 2018 in Law School Admissions 262 karma

I use all these law school forums a lot so I don’t want to put my exact LSAT score. Pretend you didn’t read that disclaimer, please & can you chance be based on:

170/3.5/URM - Af. Am. Female
• 5+ years work high ranking employment
• one prestigious job shadowing opportunity
• 3+ years of totally immersed community service
• I did all three at same time [heavy demanding work load for 3-5 years post undergrad & pre law school]
• have two great LORs from high ranking known people who were part of two of those endeavors.


  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    Chance you at Harvard?
    The above is just for the numbers.

    It sounds like great work and volunteering experience, but I'm sure Harvard sees that a lot. I'd use it as an excuse to bump up your approximately 38% chance by the numbers to about 50%.

    Depending on what you want to do and how much debt you are willing to tolerate, it might be a good idea to apply to Northwestern. I think you are the kind of candidate who would see a big scholarship at Northwestern either the guaranteed early decision $150,000 or a substantial regular decision scholarship. Work experience is very important to them.

  • acsimonacsimon Alum Member
    1269 karma’re probably in play for Harvard, but less so for Stanford and Yale based mostly on your numbers and URM status. 170 would be fine (never hurts to boost it up, though), but the thing that’s weighing you down, I’m afraid, is your GPA.

    Btw, that’s not to discourage you, it’s just to say that it seems to be the area that’s most glaring from what you described here and what I’ve read.

    Hard to say how much it really matters to you without knowing anything about your possible career goals. Is HYS specifically in your mind because of prestige or...???—A.c.S

  • calcal101calcal101 Alum Member
    582 karma

    I agree with the above poster on GPA—that’s holding you back. Do you have any mitigating factors that you could address in an addendum? (Very low avg GPA in your major, working a lot during undergrad, undiagnosed issue, etc). I don’t say that to shame you—your GPA is very good! But at these tip top schools, a 3.5 is a more difficult sell

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