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Taking LG CC Slow

stormstorm Member
in Logic Games 261 karma

So, I have been feeling incredibly anxious with my prep. I was able to move quickly through the logical reasoning CC, because each question took less time and it didn't feel like I was learning a completely new approach to answering a question every time I hit the "next" button.

Moving into LG, I expected it to be even quicker - it is my strongest section in the (4) practice tests I've taken. However, I began and it was a slow journey. Learning each game board and how it worked made me exhausted. I just couldn't do as much in a day. My studying pace slowed down and I felt like I had stunted my progress and was falling behind. I continued to do sets of my weakest logical reasoning question types in hopes of helping out with the anxiety that began to build.

However, I'm finally feeling like it is okay I took that time. I finished the LG CC and am now fool proofing LG 1-35 (admittedly, I'm doing every other PT to help my morale of feeling like I'm doing PTs that are too old; I'll then go back once I get through the odd numbered PTs). After all of the hard work and mounted anxiety, I've been able to get my first 3 sections done with 5+ minutes to spare and -0. I'm finally feeling like taking the time I needed was worth it, versus feeling like I should've continued at a steady pace throughout the entire CC.

So, this is a both a self-congratulatory post (which I recognize and apologize for the obnoxious nature of) and a post on hopefully reminding one other studier to let the material guide your pace, not your stress or anxiety. In the end, I'm so glad I took the upfront time so that I am not bogged down spending hours early on in the fool-proof portion of my prep.

Also, let's be real, I'm sure this weekend I'll hit road bumps. But every learning is worth putting down. I've also found it helps to write these things out or share them so that you can go back and remind yourself that you felt excited enough on one day to share it with the community. So, you can do it.


  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    This is great. It really shows what I have learned myself that LSAT prep progress is something that you can't force into a specific timeline. To reach your practicable potential, you need to take time working through the fundamentals. LG is definitely an aceable section if you do enough full proofing since you aren't limited by natural skills like reading and processing speed compared to other sections like LR and RC.

  • kwdardiskwdardis Alum Member
    155 karma

    I appreciate this comment because I myself have realized (this week) that for accuracy I have to go at the pace at which I absorb the information. The study guide schedule is simply a guide, not a must be followed exactly command.

  • Nabintou-1Nabintou-1 Alum Member
    410 karma

    This post mirrors exactly how I've been feeling since starting the LG component of the core curriculum. Feeling SUPER optimistic after reading this, thank you! One question that I do have is: did you do any fullproofing WHILE going through LG CC? Or, strictly after finishing it up?

    Thanks again.

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