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LSAT Course Pack

VDH_dee5VDH_dee5 Member
in General 12 karma

Hi everyone,

I am aiming for the June LSAT and am already underway in my LSAT studies. After seeing previous discussions on how useful the Ultimate+ is, I am torn as I feel time is limited at this point. If I purchase the ultimate+, and say I have already practiced curriculum suggested for the first two weeks, would any of you recommend starting from week 3 and carry on this way?

I am definitely a rookie, so I appreciate everyone's suggestions/feedback!


  • JPJ July2021JPJ July2021 Core Member
    1532 karma

    Ultimate+ has so much content that you probably won't make use of all of it by June. Have you mastered the fundamentals? If not, I would begin with the Starter package and you can always upgrade later on.

  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    1804 karma

    Do keep in mind that 7Sage's curriculum may differ significantly from whatever curriculum you are following at the moment (it doesn't look like you have a 7Sage package at the moment). So if you do end up purchasing a package, you may have to account for the difference in those two schedules.

  • VDH_dee5VDH_dee5 Member
    12 karma

    @FixedDice @Emily2122 Thank you guys for your feedback! I have been using the power score curriculum, and feel as if I have followed a similar routine based on the recommended weekly study plan. I have tackled the first two weeks of 7sage's plan and am well underway for grouping games atm. I have heard that purchasing a starter package at the beginning and later upgrading may not be worth it?

  • XochitlMXochitlM Alum Member
    70 karma

    Have you been working through the Starter Package? I finished the CC through the Starter Package before I went back and upgraded to Ultimate+. I'm very happy that I did and feel that more of the concepts are "sticking" as I go through the CC again, particularly because of all the additional problem sets included in the Ultimate+ package. I'm also grateful that I won't have to purchase additional LSAT tests as they are available in the Ultimate+ package. That being said, no it will not be enough time from here until June to go through the entire Ultimate+ curriculum. If you haven't fool-proofed logic games yet, that will take you a month itself. This isn't to discourage you, but maybe you want to take more time to study for the LSAT. Unless you are already scoring close to your goal. I really needed to buckle down and focus on the basics, which may not be where you're coming from.

  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    1804 karma

    @VDH_dee5 said:
    I have heard that purchasing a starter package at the beginning and later upgrading may not be worth it?

    Depends on what your definition of "worth" is (which would depend on what your needs and wants are).

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