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LOCI Help!

Does anyone have a good LOCI that you would be willing to send me as an example? I have looked online but still struggling with the direction I should take. Also, if anyone would be willing to look over what I have written so far? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much!


  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    Looking at other LOCIs can help with certain phrasing but the "meat" of it will have to come from your own personal reasons why you want to attend a particular school. Remember that you are not the only one that is writing a LOCI - so your letter needs to be as unique as it can be. Try to take some time to figure out why you really want to go to X school - something that is unique to you and something you haven't already mentioned in your personal statement. Its not easy so I suggest brainstorming so you can figure out why you want to go to the school that waitlisted you.

  • Jonathan W SJonathan W S Alum Member
    35 karma

    @LCMama2017 said:
    Looking at other LOCIs can help with certain phrasing but the "meat" of it will have to come from your own personal reasons why you want to attend a particular school. Remember that you are not the only one that is writing a LOCI - so your letter needs to be as unique as it can be. Try to take some time to figure out why you really want to go to X school - something that is unique to you and something you haven't already mentioned in your personal statement. Its not easy so I suggest brainstorming so you can figure out why you want to go to the school that waitlisted you.

    Exactly. Simply put: you start by thanking the admissions committee for all of their hard work; then if you're willing to commit, tell them in plain language, otherwise express some sense of how much you want to go to the school; and then identify several things about the school that appeals to you and why you would make a good fit there.

  • dgnortondgnorton Member
    40 karma

    Thanks for the help!!!

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