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Passing Unusual Games

OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
in Logic Games 2531 karma

I've been fool-proofing the earliest 30-40 games and have obviously come across several that are highly unusual and unrepresentative of games in general. Do you find it useful to fool-proof these games or do you try them watch explanation and just move on (this is what i've been doing)?

Fool-proofing unusal/unrepresentative games
  1. Do you Fool Proof unusal games or give them one pass and move on?13 votes
    1. Fool Proof every game no matter what
    2. One pass on unusual games
    3. Don't even attempt/skip


  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    3072 karma

    I did them all multiple times. I found them instructive each time.

  • 439 karma

    Patterns can show up in outliers too. If you have the time, do them all.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Fool proof them, you want to see how they are similiar to everything you've done so far so you're less likely to panic if you come across one on your real LSAT.

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