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So....Where do I go from here?

ZaTablerZaTabler Alum Member
in General 513 karma

I am currently PT'ing around 161-162 and BR'ing 172-174. I'm aiming for 165+ on the June test.

by section I'm missing:
LR: 8-10 total

I know the fundamentals. Worked with an excellent tutor for RC. I seem to be choosing the attractor choice over the correct answer in LR and running out of time in LG. RC is about the best its going to get.

My questions are:
Where should I go from here?

Any strategies I could play around with to speed up?


  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    I am in a similar boat right now, too. However, I think the first thing is: don't sell yourself short. RC is like anything else. Time and practice, and you can improve. Don't say that's it. It may be your highest hurdle, but it's still possible. The second you go in thinking "This is as good as I'll ever do", you poke holes in your own ship.
    It is my roughest section most of the time, too.
    Also, watching this thread :)

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Well, why are you choosing the attractor answer choice? There's this great webinar that breaks down some similarities/themes of attractor answer choices that I've found really helpful.

    Basically, you need to figure out a pattern between what makes attractor answer choices attractive for you. Those answer choices are put there specifically to seduce you and you have to be honest with yourself about why they are successful. Are they exploiting a gap in your understanding of the stimulus, grammar, argument structure?

    For LG, have you foolproofed games yet? And more broadly, are you comfortable with skipping questions? That could be a time sink on all section types.

    Same with RC, why are you so sure it's the best you're going to get? Are you just not retaining all the information, running out of time, etc? If you're solid in fundamentals like argument structure and tackling question types it could be an unfamiliarity with subject matter that's impeding you. I heard JY say that if you're not understanding a topic, try watching a 15 minute video on youtube about it to broaden your knowledge base.

    Could you break down your BR score for each section too? That way it will be easier for people to give you more specific advice - skipping strategies, confidence drills, etc.

  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    1777 karma

    If you're struggling with "simple" lawgic mistakes, work more on LR. That will also help with LG. Otherwise, RC looks like your best bet for short-term improvement.

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