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I didn't think meditation was for me until I found Honest Meditation

cvo1cvo1 Alum Member
in General 112 karma

I haven't seen anyone mention Honest Meditation here, so my apologies if this has already been recommended. As someone with too much anxiety mixed with ADHD, I never found the usual meditation videos and apps that helpful. I get bored way too easily and I have trouble being alone with my thoughts. As a result, I either spiral into a bottomless abyss of anxiety or fall asleep from lack of interest.

Enter, Honest Meditation.

I don't know what it is about cursing, but it's such a freeing feeling to have someone calmly acknowledge all the bullshit swimming in my head as soothing music plays softly in the background. I think the swearing keeps my brain engaged. Check it out y'all:

He also has an app, but it ain't free:
And for all the Android folks:

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