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in Logic Games 381 karma

Hey guys, I also recently got approved for testing accommodations for the LSAT which entails 50% additional test time on all multiple choice sections and a 15 minute break after sections 1,2,4,5 and a 30 minute break after section 3. I was wondering your opinion on PT's and problem sets and how I should be doing them with these accommodations. I assume I should take the PT's under these conditions but also am considering "normal" or "a little more time than normal" to give myself plenty of time at the end of each section just in case. Any tips/strategies you would recommend during my practice would be so appreciated. Whether that is giving myself say 5 1/2 minutes to read the passages instead of 4 etc, etc.

Since I am on the logic game section right now I was wondering what you think I should be giving myself time wise to do the problem sets and any other drilling I may do. Whether that be per question or per set etc.

Please let me know how you feel is the best way for me to prepare under these conditions. And also please don't hesitate to ask me for any more details you may need in answering my questions. Thank you very much.


  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    While I think generally the idea of pushing yourself to do sections in less time is good, you may have the opposite issue here. With this extra time plus extra breaks, you are looking at a 6 hour and 45 minute test. That is an extremely long period of time to remain in testing mode. I think you definitely need to practice PTs in those conditions. You need to know how to sustain focus for that long of time.

    Also on a practical level, you're going to need to know how much and what type of food to pack for your breaks. I don't believe you will get any sort of additional bag to pack for the test, so you need to see what kind of dense food will fit in a gallon ziploc with your test supplies that can keep you going for that long of a time.

    So maybe what you can do is when you drill, try doing timed sections with less time (like 35 minutes or 45 minutes) just to push yourself on timing. But then once a week, set aside time to do the full PT under what your test day conditions will be like.

  • Andrew AlterioAndrew Alterio Alum Member
    394 karma

    How'd you get that?

  • ElleWoods77ElleWoods77 Alum Member
    1184 karma

    @"Drew Alterio" said:
    How'd you get that?

    LSAC offers accommodations to those who need them. You have to apply and then get approved by LSAC. The instructions are available here : https://www.lsac.org/jd/lsat/accommodated-testing.

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