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study schedule /'competitive score'

ebalde1234ebalde1234 Member
in July 2018 LSAT 905 karma

Hello All, Hope all of your studying is going well
wanted to address 2 things .

One of the other schools I'm applying to is stating 160+is their competitive lsat score
If I'm lucky I'll be able to get a solid 150/ish give or take.
My target school is 150/155.
If I score less then 160 should I bother applying for that school? They have a lengthy application and my thoery is they won't bother looking at anything less than their target , plus time spent applying for school 2 could be spent cleaning up and submitting an early application for my target school. What's your take ?

Second point ; I'm set to take the july lsat for 2018- was supposed to take in june 2018 but pushed it back.
Right now I'm doing untimed lsats/reviewing areas of weakness / reviewing the cc.

How should I move forward , I was thinking closer to the date to start taking timed lsats - when did you all start taking timed tests ?

thanks in advance


  • MicolashMicolash Member
    218 karma

    160+ is very doable! I see that you have the Ultimate course so definitely takes notes and pay attention to the Core Curriculum. If you put those concepts into practice, 160+ is extremely achievable.

    I wouldn't start taking timed tests until you have a solid grasp of your weaknesses and areas to improve. It's mostly to gauge how well you do under pressure/time constraints and if you find your mind going blank during one question or the other, then it might be best to review your the Core Curriculum. Nevertheless, I would recommend taking at least one timed test a week just to see where you're at and then Blind Review afterwards.

  • ebalde1234ebalde1234 Member
    905 karma

    Loving that exclamation mark haha
    That's a good idea, My aim is trying to simulate those test conditions, I don't want to rewrite it !
    thanks for the feedback

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    edited May 2018 3652 karma

    Unless you have a financial reason to not do so, there’s no reason to not apply. I was accepted to schools where my LSAT score was below their percentile range. Not sure why you wouldn’t just take one of the LSATs in the fall if you’re so close to the score you want to reach, don’t know if you’ll be able to get there by July, and don’t want to retake ever.
    Also, every application is more or less the same, it doesn’t take that long to just fill in your name and address etc and upload your personal statement and resume...if you really aren’t willing to put in that bare effort then you don’t really want to go to that school.

  • btate87btate87 Alum Member
    788 karma

    160 is definitely doable! How quickly depends a lot on your personal strengths/weaknesses and how efficient your study is. From what you described, I would recommend putting a timer on much more regularly (if not all the time). It doesn't mean you have to officially score a PT or anything, but it will get you comfortable with the timer. You don't want to be shocked with stress when you finally do a fully timed PT. Other general advice is to start doing timed 35 minute sections super regularly once you've gotten through the CC and think you have a handle on the fundamentals.

  • ebalde1234ebalde1234 Member
    905 karma

    btate87 thanks for the feedback/tips - yeah that's what I was doing initially (putting a timer in the back ground) then went to untimed to get the fundamentals down

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