The Most Intense Plateau - Help/Advice/Encouragement?

stormstorm Member
edited June 2018 in General 261 karma

I have hit the most literal plateau, and I take the test June 11 (also signed-up for July 23).

On my past FIVE tests I have scored a 167. No more, no less.

The good news is that this is my first time taking the test for real, so I think that a 167 is a fine score to have on record for my top choice schools (NYU, UofM, UC Berkeley). However, I'm so frustrated that I'm not pushing through to a 170+.

Each test I can feel the one section that does it to me - it is usually the second logical reasoning section... I go into it and feel fatigued looking at the questions/it is directly after break and I feel just out of it (-2 on first lr section, -6 on second).

Whenever I do logical reasoning outside of a PT, I get between -1 and -4, usually -1 to -3.

I feel like, at this point, I should be able to push above 170 for the real test in July (I hope). My blind reviews are consistently above 176. This plateau is just so frustrating. I also am hoping that the adrenaline rush on the day of the test might help keep me focused (usually adrenaline keeps me focused vs distracted).


  • saraheq1saraheq1 Alum Member
    122 karma

    Sadly I have no words of wisdom to offer, but just wanted to commiserate with you. The same happens to me- individual sections I'm around -4, and in PTs I average -7.I have no doubt the mental fatigue contributes. Hoping for that adrenaline on test day too!

  • testfromawaytestfromaway Alum Member
    280 karma

    Have you tried meditating?

    I find that a quick time to breathe and practice mindfulness before every section (especially the one right after the break) helps me recenter and see the test with fresh eyes.

    167 is a great score, but if the issue is fatigue, if you can push through that then you'll have something even more incredible on record. Good luck!

  • LivingThatLSATdreamLivingThatLSATdream Alum Member
    500 karma

    This isn't really advice for the June test as it is for July... but when I take a 4 section test, I don't take a break just work straight through to build up stamina. I've also done five section tests with no break. I was having a similar issue with LR. Always the 2nd section of LR did me in. -1/-2 on the first then the second would be like -6/-7. Its has been super frustrating. I can't tell you if its worked at all though, lol. I just got back into studying after a long break.

    Better advice might be to analyze the second LR sections and see if there are specific question types that you are consistently missing due to "feeling out of it" as you said. Maybe you are making mistakes that you'll be able to recognize and overcome.

    Good luck!

  • btate87btate87 Alum Member
    788 karma

    That is frustrating, but don't lose hope. If you're BR score is that high you can push through it. Here are some things that might help

    Endurance: As mentioned above - do longer tests. Work up to 6 sections if you need to. Or maybe do two tests you've done a while back and do two back to back. If it's always LR, assemble a fake PT of 3-4 earlier LR sections.

    LR Study: BR every LR question on your PTs. This can build on enduramce as well if you do them nonstop.

    Mindset/Rest: How long of a period are these PT's over? Your brain needs 1-3 days to digest your progress at least every two weeks. If you haven't taken a break you could benefit from the rest and the subconscious learning that will take place. I also think of big-picture post-fundamental LSAT learning sort of like marinating. Those marginal gains into the 170's can come just from long term and regular exposure to the material.

    Stay confident!

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