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PT Schedule Suggestions

Hi Y'all,

So I am sure this has been discussed before but I am fairly new to the site so I have not seen it myself. So just to preface this post I have taken the LSAT twice (Scored in 150s both times) before taking this course. I did self-study for both so obviously I was doing something wrong and this course will hopefully rectify those mistakes.

Before I get too OT, I was just wondering what y'all did for your PT schedules? I am currently following the CC. Should I take PTs during the CC or should I wait until I have completed it to do them on my own? Also, how often should I take them? Once a week? Twice? And do you take them on the same day of the week or different days every time? I apologize for the multitude of questions but I am extremely curious as to what has worked/not worked for everyone else.

Thank you so much for your time!


  • aefraustaefraust Free Trial Member
    14 karma

    Hi, Im studying with a friend and we have a schedule in place where we are taking 2 pts every week . we started with pt 50 and right now we are at pt 54. we have this scheduled to the T.

  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    I would advise you take one PT and drill the rest. Break PTs that you have already taken as individual sections. Don’t utilize fresh materials too quickly. When you do use them, make sure you thoroughly understand what is going on in the questions you get wrong. They are valuable learning opportunities, just as reviewing old tests are.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Also do not take any PT's during the CC. Only take them after. How often you take PT's after CC depends on your target score, your BR score, and your actual score.

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