It's hard to give advice without some more specifics. Do you do this for more forest questions (that focus on structure) or for leaves (the ones that are more specific)? Is it a specific type of question that you find yourself doing this more often on, i.e. inference, tone, main point, etc.
When this happens (it happens to all of us), it indicates that our understanding for that question/passage/game was not 100%. So, when you change an answer, that’s another opportunity to learn.
Be sure to find the line numbers during BR and that should keep you on track.
Hey there,
It's hard to give advice without some more specifics. Do you do this for more forest questions (that focus on structure) or for leaves (the ones that are more specific)? Is it a specific type of question that you find yourself doing this more often on, i.e. inference, tone, main point, etc.
When this happens (it happens to all of us), it indicates that our understanding for that question/passage/game was not 100%. So, when you change an answer, that’s another opportunity to learn.