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Question on Pencils

bravesfan111111bravesfan111111 Alum Member
in General 39 karma

Hello All,
Before I go any further, best of luck to all of my fellow 7sagers who will be taking the test tomorrow! The reason I am posting here is that I have a question about pencils. Throughout my preparation I have been Dixon Ticonderoga #2 HB "soft" pencils. According to LSAC, for the test we need "No. 2 or HB wooden pencils". My question therefore regards the classification of the pencil as soft. Does anyone know if this is an acceptable type of pencil. I believe that the softness or hardness of a pencil is in regards to the texture of the graphite, but I have been unable to determine that conclusively. Thank you in advance for your help.


  • KaterynaKateryna Alum Member
    984 karma

    U are fine.

  • lady macbethlady macbeth Alum Member
    894 karma

    Doesn't matter the firmness. That's up to you. As long as it's #2. Sometimes pencils don't have indicators that say whether or not it is #2, but honestly, it depends on the proctor. Some really don't give a shit and others are total sticklers.

  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    My Ticonderogas worked fine and I think that is how they were labeled.

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