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shegotitshegotit Member

I asked this question last night and received good feedback that should have been able to help me tackle these problems yet I am still struggling with them. I have even went back to watch the lessons all over again and I am still having trouble finding the correct answer. First I read the question stem and then I read the stimulus and then paraphrase the stimulus sentence by sentence so that I can understand exactly what each premise is saying. That works until I get to the answer choices. When I watch JY'S explanation one minute he says something about making a generalized concept then the next minutes he is making an assumption versus an inference to me. I have tried questioning each answer choice by asking "why" or "does the text support this" and then I end up with my answer and it is wrong. How can I continue to get better at these questions or what I am potentially doing wrong or missing?Did sometime just completely go over my head?


  • edited June 2018 439 karma

    A big part of getting better at this test for me has been learning how it likes to trick people into wrong answer choices, especially in LR. When you go back over your answers are you thinking about why the answer you picked was wrong and why the right answer was right? As long as you do this you should improve. You talked about having this problem last night and are worried that after 24 hours nothing has changed. Maybe you need a week for the material to set in, that is not unusual. I wouldn't get hung up on this especially if you're new to the material. The more time you spend with the test questions and the CC the more familiar you become with these concepts.

    I know JY ordered the CC in a way that makes sense logically, exposing people to foundational concepts first then building on them, but you do not need to do the CC in that order. Maybe its time to employ a skipping strategy and go on to the next section and come back later.

  • shegotitshegotit Member
    211 karma

    When I go back over the answers I am trying to figure out why my answer is wrong and the other answers are right. I also look through the discussion to see if anyone had the same thoughts as me. I am glad that you clarified that it is okay to skip but I was going to continue staying in the topic until I got it.

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