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Bridging Timed and BR Score for RC

youbbyunyoubbyun Alum Member

Hey all,

So I've been drilling RC for a few weeks. I've done all RC sections from PT's 19-47.

During my drills from PT 19-40, I was averaging around -3/4 after blind review and -6 timed.

I took the RC section from PT 47 today, and managed to get a -0 blind review (my first one ever!!!!! the closest I've ever been on my RC blind review score was a -2). My timed score for that section though was like a -7 though, and I was really struggling to finish under time.

My questions are:

  1. How to bridge this gap between timed and BR score for RC?
  2. Advice on how to improve timing for RC?

I find myself often rushing at the last passage. I try to average about 3:30 for reading passages and about 5 minutes for questions.

I also try skipping strategies by skipping questions once I read through the answer choices twice and still can't choose an answer.

Any advice or suggestions is appreciated. I know there have been previous threads on this topic in general of bridging the BR/timed gap, but I'm hoping for advice tailored to RC on this topic. Thanks so much in advance - you guys rock!!


  • paulmv.benthempaulmv.benthem Alum Member
    1032 karma

    Well, first off, congrats on the improvement! Success in RC is hard-earned!

    In terms of moving forward, have you tried recording yourself while doing timed sections/PTs? For myself, reviewing footage of me drilling RC sections was one of the biggest aids for helping me to develop my strategy and figure out where I was losing time. I find RC to be especially treacherous for unknowingly walking into a time-sink. It can be really enlightening to watch yourself confidently choose the correct answer after 20 seconds, only to spend another 45 seconds waffling over another choice (AAAHH!!!). It's helped me to be able to better gauge my confidence level and move on when I feel like I've achieved a sufficient degree of confidence in my choice.

  • youbbyunyoubbyun Alum Member
    1755 karma


    i haven't tried recording. will try that soon - thanks!

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