Hey 7Sagers, great news! The price for our Personal Statements bundle has been reduced to... drum roll please!
$0.59!Yes, that's
fifty-nine CENTS! But that's not all! Not only do you get our Personal Statements bundle, you also get +1 months of access time to your account with the purchase! So, essentially, it's a "free" extension!

Check it out here:
http://7sage.com/addons/[ If you've already purchased the PS bundle, sorry! But we can't refund you.

@arliverano Yes, you lose this when your account expires.
@Joy_M_LSAT I don't have that information right now, sorry!
@jawal54 As far as I know, there's no expiration date! I'll find out and let you know, though.
@jlee0615 Here's a screenshot of a list of things that's included so you have a better idea: