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Daily Study Schedules

in General 776 karma

Hey 7sagers,
I hope everyone is rocking their LSAT studying today.

I am sure a lot of you are super ambitious and zealous like me when creating your daily LSAT study plans. I am not sure if many of you experience this – but I need some advice. How do you know that you are creating a daily schedule/plan that is doable? For example, one day you plan out that you are going to do 5 LG and 1 set of RC practice questions and unfortunately you are only able to complete 3 LG games. Do you the next day just complete the work that you did not do from the previous day or do you move on with your next day study plan?

For me some days – I am really on my game and complete my daily study goals. However, other days’ certain questions take me so long because I am really trying to make sure that the answer choice I choose is 100% correct. This gets me a little bit freaked out as you feel that you are just falling behind with your studying. I do not know about you all – but I hate that feeling!
If you have gone through this and have any tips on overcoming this – please let me know.

Thanks in advance and have an amazing day peeps!

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