Undergraduate rank + "softs"

strugglinglsaterstrugglinglsater Free Trial Member

I have heard conflicting information about this but all else being equal (with GPA and LSAT mattering most) does undergrad rank matter? Say someone has a 3.7 from HYP versus a 3.7 from Ole Miss, does undergrad rank give any advantage to the Ivy alumni? How much does this matter? What about relevant job experience? Do "softs" matter?


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Softs matter if you are a borderline candidate. So, if you are sitting right on the fence between admit and deny, strong softs might push you over into the admit category, or vice versa. Generally, they only matter if you have really bad ones or really good ones. In the scenario that you laid out, sure, it might help to have an HYP degree. But if the Ole Miss candidate had a one point higher LSAT, then the HYP degree probably wouldn't make up for it. Of course, any answer that most of us on this forum will give you is speculation. Different softs matter in differing degrees depending on the school in question.

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