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September or November- Advice needed!

EcappellucciEcappellucci Member
in General 7 karma

Hi all,

I’ve been registered for the September exam, but due to some life changes, studying has fallen by the wayside. Now that I’m resettled, I need some advice. Obviously I want to do well on the exam: I had an ok diagnostic a few months ago (151), and I have about 20-25 hours a week I can now fully dedicate to studying. Schools I am looking at see an average LSAT score of 155-160.

Is this enough time between now and September to get any kind of improvement?
Should I sit both September and November, or just cut my losses and change to November?

I want to apply as early as possible in order to maximize the aid and scholarships I get, which makes me want to take the September exam, but I worry about a low score. I’m very torn on what to do here.

Thanks in advance for your advice!


  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma

    You haven't taken a PT since your diagnostic? Wait until November. Applying with your target score will make you more likely to be accepted than applying early.

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Honestly even November is pretty soon if you're just starting to study, but for a 5-10 point increase you should be able to pull it off. Definitely don't take in September. Try to have the rest of your app ready to go for when you get that November score, and you won't be applying too late in the cycle.

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