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Just can't master Logic Games

tekken1225tekken1225 Alum Member
edited August 2018 in General 770 karma

Hey guys, so I just can't seem to gain mastery over LG, despite my trying and trying. The issue is timing, obviously given enough time, I can get most of them correct, but I just can't seem to do them at the 8-9 minutes allotted for each. Actually, doing a game in that amount of time seems pretty much impossible to me, unless it's one of the really easy ones.

If a game is simple enough where I can make tons of inferences on the game board, then I don't have too much trouble. I can just set up different game boards for different scenarios, and then answering questions are easy at that point. But this goes for everybody else, I assume.
It's when I set up a game board, and I can't make a lot of inferences from the conditions given because there are too many different scenarios. Then it just becomes a time sinkhole, where I try to brute force through the questions, but then time always catches up to me.

I don't know if I should just raise the white flag on LG at this point, and instead focus all my attention and time on LR and RC, as these aren't as much of a roadblock to me as LG is. Focus on my weakness, or try to strengthen those areas that I'm better at. Don't know what to do.


  • Tim HortonsTim Hortons Alum Member
    edited August 2018 389 karma

    My advice to you is to focus on your weakness, first and foremost.

    I'll share my process with you when I hit rock bottom with logic games: I first took stock of the types of games that I found particularly difficult. I did this during the CC and made a "master copy" of each logic game that give me even the slightest trouble. I then watched J.Y.'s explanation for the game and proceeded to redo the game 4-5times in a row, untimed, repeating all of the inferences he made. Once I felt confident that I perfected the approach, I wrote a little instructional outline (sort of like an answer key/walk-thru guide) for the game and stapled it to the back of the question sheet. This outline detailed my reasons for each inference made, a breakdown of each question, and a written description for why each AC was wrong or right. After completing my master copy, I set the game aside, returned to it a week later, and timed myself doing it. In the majority of cases, the same inferences came to me instantly. Some games, though, still gave me trouble. In these cases, I rigorously redid them 4-5 times and repeated the week-redo process. By doing this review process, I found that I was able to make more upfront inferences on new games and that I was able to envision the game-boards quickly. In turn, these improvements bettered my timing.

    I implore you not to throw in the towel on LG because it's the section in which people tend to make their greatest improvements. I'm living proof of this. Trust me: believe in the process of revision and you'll master logic games in no time!

  • tekken1225tekken1225 Alum Member
    770 karma

    Awesome, thank you for that guideline. I will try it out as well. Thanks!

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