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Tips for 2-week LG Intensive?

Victoria.Victoria. Member
in Logic Games 553 karma

I'm taking the September exam and really want to nail down LG since it's killing my scores. It can get as bad as -11, BR -0/-1. I foolproofed games 1-35 and I can get -0/-1 on almost all games that I do untimed but I can't seem to nail down consistency and timing. Since some games take longer than others I think I get panicked when I don't have set time benchmarks to refer to (I tried finishing the 1st in 5 min, the second in 7, the third in 8 and the last in 10ish but that gets way too confusing to keep track of) so I end of wasting a lot of time skipping around and setting up gameboards for each game but freaking out on the naked questions. Does anyone have any tips or a process they work through during a timed LG section? I am thinking of foolproofing again but I also want to be able to consistently scoring well on new material, I think I've memorized too much of the bundle to create good inference habits, but I might try it if I decide it can help.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited August 2018 23929 karma

    I got a 7Sage tutor and sent him footage of me taking sections. It's amazing what difference little things make on this section. If you're sometimes missing -11 though then you need to make sure you have your diagramming skills down and are able to push out inferences and all of that.

    The most important thing on my road to improvement with LG was actually all process. I read the rules and scenario twice. Once to get an idea of what's going on, and that allows me to envision what my gameboard is going to look like before I just dive in. Watch how JY or Leia do LG during a live take and write down their steps. A solid process that you can follow every time makes games so much more doable!

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    When you foolproofed, did you proof a game until you could do it well under the recommended time?

  • Victoria.Victoria. Member
    553 karma

    Thanks @Alex, watching live takes is something I didn't really think I would benefit from originally but now I'm definitely going to try it because I work better with a process that I can recall and implement every time so hopefully watching them will give me an insight on how to refine my own approach. @MissChanandler yes I foolproofed until I completed each game well under the recommended time

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