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Study Method?: Those who have retaken the LSAT or are going to retake it

mahe229mahe229 Member
in General 16 karma

I took the July LSAT are received an average score. I was already signed up for September, so might as well try to do a little better. I was curious about how/if people have approached studying for a retake differently? I finished the 7sage course and my instinct is to do timed sections and go over weak points until the exam. Which methods have worked for you all?


  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    I don’t think studying for a retake is any different than studying in general as long as you have a lot of unseen newer material.

  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8705 karma

    Normally, what people have generally found useful is to go over the exam and see where their approach did not work, so for instance if someone missed all the sufficient assumption questions when they sat for the exam, one would then go back to drill and reinforce strategies for this question type that will help them moving forward. This is a bit more difficult on a non-disclosed exam, because we don't have access to that data.

    With that being said, my recommendation would be to look at your last 3-4 PTs and see what you can extract from them that needs work. This is a tough process in my experience because it normally requires a pretty sizable amount of time to both identify weaknesses and then specifically target them in a way to eliminate them from your approach. What complicates matters a bit when it comes to identifying weakness in one's approach (and what might take more time to fix) are the weaknesses that extend beyond question type: so for instances, a weakness in identifying assumptions in arguments on LR, this might show up sometime on a flaw question and other times on a weakening question.

    So boiled down: take your last couple of sections and plug them into the 7sage analytics, check for patterns in specific question type weaknesses. Then look for similarities the questions have in common: conditional logic etc. Then look at earlier tests and target those weaknesses: 7sage has sorted LR by type for all the exams. Then if you have a fresh PT, take one per week for the next 3 weeks to check if this process has helped you improve.

    Time is short so remember that you can always take November. That's the retake I am taking.


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