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MISC LGs problems

Wait whatWait what Alum Member
in Logic Games 244 karma

Hey Sagers,
So I am writing in September and the one area I am struggling with is MISC LGs. I do well on the other game types but when I get an MISC game it totally throws me for a loop ( I think I am at 10% accuracy over 16 Qs). My question is for those of you who have had similar problems did you find fool proofing older MISC LGs to be helpful? I know a lot of the older games of this type are driven by a specific pattern so I'm wondering if fool proofing those games is a good use of time when the test date is right around the corner. Im currently on PT 74 (started at 66) I'm thinking either keep taking PTs and BRing and fool proofing those games, or set aside 2-3 days and fool proof all the MISC games up until 74. I think theres like 25 or so. Thanks!


  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    1777 karma

    I think fool proofing is your best bet! And as JY said in some video, "When in doubt, make a chart".

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