Captions on videos? HOH/Deaf

Ergo_ZeroErgo_Zero Alum Member
in General 26 karma

Hi guys, since there are no captions/subtitles for the videos, I'm at a very big disadvantage compared to everyone else in terms of what information I can receive. I can hear most of what JY is saying but sometimes it's impossible to tell what he's saying since he talks so fast and his pop-culture examples get loss in the words. I don't want to go to traditional LSAT classrooms otherwise I will need a captioner and they can get expensive. Should I just drill different areas of the LSAT? I'm at a loss as what to do for studying. I've been retaking PT exams and drilling as much as I can, but it's not enough. I don't seem to get the breakthroughs that everyone else is getting.


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Have you tried slowing the videos down? If you scroll your mouse over the video, in the bottom left corner there's the option to change the speed of the video. I know this isn't a complete or perfect solution, but it might help at least a little.

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