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Retaining and reviewing LSAT Material

jjoushlynjjoushlyn Alum Member

Hello 7Sagers!

I am wondering if someone could give me advice about what they think is the most efficient way to retain and review lR material. I want to create something that I can review everyday and that in the end will help me put all of the pieces together. So far I have been writing notes from all of my lessons, and then I rewrite them to make them look neater. I want to kind of create a cheat sheet for all of the things I am learning in the LR section.For example: I have a sheet on MBT questions. Am I doing too much? Is there a better way?


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8705 karma

    You are not doing too much. Strategies for individual question types are one effective way to maximize gains. One recommendation I have is to try to build strategy sheets for the underlying logic of certain problems-problems that will transcend question type. So for instance, try to build a sheet for phenomena/hypothesis questions, correlation/causation, arguments by analogy etc.

    Also, try to build sheets with conditional logic, the plan is for these questions to be points in our bank come test day. Another effective strategy might be to build a sheet where weird or odd things might be going on with the argument.

    Below is a small sample of what I do when building such study sheets, here are some rare conditional logic indicators and their meanings:

    1.X is a precondition for Y
    This means that X is a necessary condition for Y

    2.X is a prerequisite for Y
    This means that X is a necessary condition for Y

    3.X presupposes Y
    This means X is sufficient for Y

    I hope this starting point helps

  • jjoushlynjjoushlyn Alum Member
    198 karma

    Thanks so much David!

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