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Which course do you recommend?

A.C.2020A.C.2020 Free Trial Member
in General 19 karma

Hello, I took the sept lsat and am not satisfied with my score. I actually took the testmasters course but our teacher was very inexperienced and more interested in is own 170+ score and his law school application. I don’t fully blame the teacher but I’m really not happy with the results of the course (score was worse than my first diagnostic in July). Additionally, the week before the exam, I knew I was getting sick and my body crashed right after I took the test and I was sick for over a week. I am pretty sure that had something to do with my disappointing score. I didn’t know about 7sage until this past weekend and I plan to take the November exam. But I wanted to reach out to those in the course to see which program would be best for me. I have materials to self study but would like to learn alternative ways to prepare.


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    7sage is wonderful, but if you're set on taking the exam in November then it's really too late to utilize it. It takes 2-3 months to go through the core curriculum, and then you need to drill and PT to put the things you've learned into practice. How unsatisfied with your score are you? If you're just wanting to improve by a few points, then I think that studying with PTs for drilling (especially games if you use the free explanation videos on here) would be do able, but if you're looking for a substantial gain then your best option is to delay.

  • A.C.2020A.C.2020 Free Trial Member
    19 karma

    Thank you for your feedback. After reading other comments on the discussion boards, I’m actually considering postponing a few months to just get back on track. At first I was thinking I could just study a ton over the next few weeks and take the November but after reading comments about how it takes several months to prepare, I may wait. I have been working on this since July but I guess I must still not be as ready as I could be.

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    You'll find lots of people on here who have been studying for a year or more, so don't feel bad about having to take more time!

  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    edited October 2018 2531 karma

    What is the lowest rank school you’d be willing to go to? Where are you scoring currently? If you can answer those questions, I can give you some feedback regarding next steps

  • Logic GainzLogic Gainz Alum Member
    700 karma

    I've used The LSAT Trainer, Powerscore Bibles, 7sage, and actual LSAT test books with the tests in them, and I'll say that 7sage is phenomenal because it's database of resources (the tests themselves plus an extremely responsive forum). There are other forums but they tend to be replete with assholes, lol.

    7sage is great for learning lawgic and conditional reasoning. Powerscore's explanation of what conditional reasoning entails was a great introduction, but when it actually comes to putting symbols to practice in an actual test, I thought the 7sage method was supreme.

    I will say all the sources above have helped. I used the LSAT Trainer for logic games, suprisingly. I know many people swear by 7sage regarding gamess, but I just found the Trainer's method a little more intuitive.

    You're going to need time with this exam. If you can stomach waiting until, say January to take, I think that would be beneficial.

  • A.C.2020A.C.2020 Free Trial Member
    19 karma

    Thank you all for replying. I’m actually not in a rush. I’m a career professional and am ready to finally pursue becoming a lawyer which is what I have always wanted to do. That said, I’m limited to where I can go because I am established where I live and I’m also considering applying part-time. I was really hoping to be able to start school in the fall ‘19.

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