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Sliding Backwards

ksdenosksdenos Alum Member

Hi guys,

I am progressively getting worse at LR. My first handful of PTs I was -4 on average. The next batch was around 5 and 6. I took last week to review my CC in depth on the question types I was missing most and today I am -9 and -11.

I am scoring 50/50 with Flaw and struggle with NA too. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated! I went from 167, to the mid 160s, to today in the 150s. Really confused and disheartened to be getting worse scores with time...



  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    Are these slides occurring in PTs or timed sections? Are the -4s from about the same time range of PTs as the -11 i.e. the 40s? How often are you taking a PT?

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    @NotMyName's questions are important to know. Also, just want to say that when I first started, my scores were wildly all over the map. I'd score anywhere between 158 and 167. The longer I studied, the more consistent I became. So, it may just be the case that you're early on in studying and it takes some time to really grasp the logic so that you see consistency.

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