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Question stem: would be most helpful to know in order to evaluate the argument?
I am not familiar to this questions stem. Does anyone have strategies in attacking these kind of q's?
Thank you!
Admin note: edited title
It's an Evaluate question. The correct answer choice in one extreme will strengthen the argument and in another extreme will weaken the argument.
What I do is I see as I read each answer choice, I try to first answer if knowing the answer to that answer choice will affect the argument. This way I am not taking too much time for each answer choice and only try out the ones that have the potential. When I do think the answer to an answer choice will affect the argument, then I try to see if the answer in one one extreme will strengthen the argument and in another extreme will weaken the argument. If it does both, it is the correct answer choice.
For 74.21 answer choice B: if rewards are withheld from both dogs ( now we have a situation where no matter what things are fair for both dogs).
How will it affect the argument if both dogs now obeyed 0% of the time or if they now obeyed 100% of the time
In the case of the former when we have no dog obeying the command even when things are fair, its the reward that was affecting the outcome of the previous trial and not the fairness, so it would really weaken the argument and in the later , where we see both dogs obeying, it would strengthen the argument as we now know that it wasn't the reward affecting disobedience but the fairness of the situation.
@Sami thank you so much for explaining!