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Scheduling Days off

---JEh------JEh--- Alum Member
edited October 2018 in General 60 karma

Hey all,

I bought another course before I bought 7Sage. In that course, the day before the practice/real LSAT was a scheduled off day. I have been using that scheme but have wondered if it really is optimal. I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume there is no single best way, as I'm sure different ways may work for different people.

If anyone would like to share how you schedule your days off, and maybe a little explanation on why that works for you, I would love to hear.

Thanks in advance to all who share.


  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    edited October 2018 3652 karma

    There’s no reason to take a day off before a PT. My day before the PT would be just any other day of going to work and studying in the evening. I usually PT’d on weekends and would study half of the day and then PT in the afternoon/evening. Few days after the PT I would take it easy and just drill and blind review. The day before the actual test yes I think most people would say to take the day off. I personally the day before the test drilled LR and did a couple RC sections and like 5 sets of logic games as I was feeling antsy and it made me feel more confident going into the test.

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    @"---JEh---" said:
    Hey all,

    I bought another course before I bought 7Sage. In that course, the day before the practice/real LSAT was a scheduled off day. I have been using that scheme but have wondered if it really is optimal. I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume there is no single best way, as I'm sure different ways may work for different people.

    If anyone would like to share how you schedule your days off, and maybe a little explanation on why that works for you, I would love to hear.

    Thanks in advance to all who share.

    It depends. If I am working on something and my only day to take the PT that week is a certain day and I am not done working on that thing till the day before the test day then I would say its fine to not take the day off. In fact I don't think I have ever taken the day off right before a PT.

    Incidentally, I am taking a PT tomorrow and I actually took today off and I can feel the difference between my mindset going in to the PT tomorrow versus another day. I am so much more relaxed. I'll let you know if I continue to feel a difference tomorrow.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    I also don't think there's reason to take a day off before a PT. I would typically give myself 1 weekday off from studying. I was intentional about making plans with friends that evening (I find LSAT studying really isolating, and I need the social interaction). Whatever day worked out, usually either Wednesday or Thursday. I would PT on Saturdays and then BR on Sundays. Before the actual test though, I highly highly recommend taking the whole preceding it to do only very light studying, and taking the full day before the test completely off. I think it does wonders to help you get rest and relax. Being in the right state of mind for the test is half the battle. However, there's way less stress and pressure with PTs, so I don't see any need for that personally.

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