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Established merit scholarships in T14

Does anyone know of any resources for information on merit scholarships at the T14? Specifically thinking about the established/named scholarships that they don’t really publicize. I’ve only heard of most of these because of occasional mentions on various admissions forums; some schools mention them vaguely on their websites and others don’t at all. I’d love a comprehensive list of what’s out there, and estimates about what stats you typically need to get offered one (I know the schools don’t offer the official stats, but I feel like there is probably a general consensus out there).

Here’s a short list I’ve been working on that definitely needs more work:

Columbia- Hamilton and Butler
Michigan- Darrow
NYU- Vanderbilt
Duke- Mordecai
Penn- Levy, Toll
Chicago- Rubenstein, Cafaro

Alternatively, any T14 schools that are throwing money at PI students?

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